Beauty and the Beast (the Disney novelization) by Elizabeth Rudnick

Beauty and the Beast (the Disney novelization) by Elizabeth Rudnick

(taken from

Belle has dreamt of adventures like the ones she reads in her books, of traveling the world outside her small town. But when Belle's father is taken prisoner by a beast in an enchanted castle, her path is forever changed. Enjoy this tale as old as time about adventure and love, about looking past first appearances, and about the inner Beauty and Beast in all of us in this beautiful novelization of the upcoming star-studded film!

Perhaps it was because I didn't lower my expectations enough, but this book was rather pathetic. It didn't seem to enhance or add much to the original Beauty and the Beast animated movie narrative, beyond developing some secondary flat characters. I read this book actually before the new live-action film was released, and in retrospect, after I went to the theatre to see the film, I was disappointed that I had. I didn't realize it was going to spoil anything and everything that was new, added, or embellished in the film, so that it left pretty much nothing in the way of plot to surprise me. Part of my disgust with this book I think stems from the fact that I wished the movie had found a way to tie the backstories that were created for the characters together neatly somehow. Or maybe I was a little disappointed with the movie, because I had been disappointed with that in the novelization beforehand, and I wanted the movie to go further; I'm not sure. Regardless, I'd consider this a book for kids who are reluctant readers, but who might try nibbling on a novelization of a blockbuster movie they've enjoyed. Pretty much what one might expect from a novelization, actually. It's not designed to be original or to outshine the film, and it certainly doesn't, especially since the film's plot is not especially well-crafted to begin with.

Overall Rating: 2 / 10 Stars 

Give this to the child at home who you know turns their nose up at anything that doesn't look appealing from the cover. The cover of this book will grab their attention, but don't expect the story to keep it for long. If they've seen the movie, they're not going to get anything more from this book.
